Near East and North Africa; Middle East; the foreign policy of the United States; globalization, Islam, and Islamic fundamentalism; Arab World
Gilbert Achcar was born in Senegal in 1951, grew up in Lebanon, lived in Paris (1983-2003) and Berlin (2003-2007), and has been based in London since 2007. He graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lebanese University (Beirut), and the Ecole Supérieure des Lettres de Beyrouth (Université Lyon-II), and completed a PhD in Social History / International Relations at Université Paris 8. Prior to London, he was teacher and/or researcher in Beirut (Faculty of Social Sciences, Lebanese University), Paris (American University of Paris and Université Paris 8) and Berlin (Centre Marc Bloch, CNRS). He is currently Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at SOAS, University of London (Department of Development Studies). His many books include: The Clash of Barbarisms: The Making of the New World Disorder (2002, 2006); Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy, with Noam Chomsky (2007, 2009); The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives (2010, 2011); Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism (2013); The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising (2013, 2022); Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in The Arab Uprising (2016); and The New Cold War: The United States, Russia and China, from Kosovo to Ukraine (2023). <<< Official Website >>>
– The New Cold War. States, Russia, and China from Kosovo to Ukraine, Achcar, Gilbert (2023). London ; Haymarket Books : (The Westbourne Press in London)
– Le Choc des Barbaries. Terrorime et désordre mondial, [Troisième édition augmentée], Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Points cardinaux; Paris : (éditions Syllepse).
– Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). London ; Stanford: (Saqi ;Stanford Univeristy Press)
– Perilous Power. The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy, War and Justice, [Expanded Edition], Achcar, Gilbert and Chomsky, Noam (2016). New York : (Routledge)
– Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism, Achcar, Gilbert (2013). London: (Saqi)
– The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising, Achcar, Gilbert (2013). Berkeley, CA: (University of California Press)
– Eichmann au Caire et autres essais, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Paris: (Sindbad / Actes Sud)
– The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives, Achcar, Gilbert (2010). London ; New York: (Saqi ; Metropolitan)
– Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy ,War, and Justice. [2nd augmented edition.], Achcar, Gilbert and Chomsky, Noam (2009). Boulder: (Paradigm Publishers)
– Perilous Power. The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy, War and Justice, Achcar, Gilbert and Chomsky, Noam (2008). London: (Penguin)
– Perilous Power. The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy, War and Justice, Achcar, Gilbert and Chomsky, Noam (2007). Boulder: (Paradigm Publishers)
– The 33-Day War: Israel’s War on Hezbollah in Lebanon and its Consequences, Achcar, Gilbert and Warschawski, Michel (2007). Boulder: Paradigm Publishers; London: (Saqi)
– The Clash of Barbarisms. The Making of the New World Disorder, Achcar, Gilbert (2006). Boulder: (Paradigm Publishers; London: Saqi)
– The Israeli Dilemma: A Debate between Two Left-Wing Jews: letters between Marcel Liebman and Ralph Miliband, Selected, with an introduction and epilogue by Gilbert Achcar, Achcar, Gilbert (2006). London: (Merlin Press)
– Eastern Cauldron: Islam, Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq in a Marxist Mirror, Achcar, Gilbert (2004). New York: (Monthly Review Press)
– The Clash of Barbarisms: September 11 and the Making of the New World Disorder, Achcar, Gilbert (2002). New York: (Monthly Review Press)
– Le Choc des Barbaries. Terrorismes et désordre mondial, Achcar, Gilbert (2002). Enjeux du XXIe Siècle; Paris: (Editions Complexe)
– La Nouvelle Guerre froide. Le monde après le Kosovo, Achcar, Gilbert (1999). Paris: (Presses universitaires de France)
– Arbeitsmarkt, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Familienpolitik und die Geschlechterfrage: deutsch-französische Konvergenzen und Divergenzen, Achcar, Gilbert, (eds.), Simon, Dagmar, (eds.) and Veil, Mechthild, (eds.) (2005). Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB).
– L’Atlas du Monde diplomatique, Achcar, Gilbert, (eds.), Gresh, Alain, (eds.), Radvanyi, Jean, (eds.), Rekacewicz, Philippe, (eds.) and Vidal, Dominique, (eds.) (2003). Paris: Armand Colin.
– Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’empire États-Unien. Dossier, Achcar, Gilbert, (ed.) (2003). Paris: Presses universitaires de France. (Actuel Marx, no. 33)
– The Legacy of Ernest Mandel, Achcar, Gilbert, (ed.) (1999). London; New York: Verso.
– On the ‘Arab Inequality Puzzle’: The Case of Egypt, Achcar, Gilbert, 2020, Development and Change (51), 3, pp 746-770
– Sudan’s revolution at a crossroads, Achcar, Gilbert, 2020, Le Monde diplomatique
– Washington and Tehran’s dance over Iraq: Iraqis want both countries out, Achcar, Gilbert, 2020, Le Monde diplomatique, pp 4-5
– The seasons after the Arab Spring, Achcar, Gilbert, 2019, Le Monde diplomatique
– The Saudi Predicament, Achcar, Gilbert, 2018, Le Monde diplomatique, Mar
– The Zionist Project’s Duality: Escaping Racist Oppression and Reproducing It in Colonial Context, Achcar, Gilbert, 2017, Jadaliyya, Nov 3
– Al-‘Almaniyya Shart al-Hadatha wa La Taqaddum Biduniha, Achcar, Gilbert, 2017, Alfaisal (491), 2, pp 19-21
– Hizar Fakh Netanyahu, Achcar, Gilbert, 2016, Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya (27), 105, pp 12-15
– Impasse rentière du Monde arabe [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2015, Economia (June), pp 27-23
– Banners of Protest, Achcar, Gilbert, 2015, Le Monde diplomatique (July)
– Extreme Capitalism of the Muslim Brothers, Achcar, Gilbert, 2013, Le Monde diplomatique (June)
– Arab Uprisings: Geopolitics, Strategies and Adjustment [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2012, The Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication (5), 1, pp 7-14
– Eichmann in Cairo: The Eichmann Affair in Nasser’s Egypt, Achcar, Gilbert, 2012, Arab Studies Journal (20), 1, pp 74-103
– Morbid symptoms: What did Gramsci mean and how does it apply to our time?, Achcar, Gilbert, 2012, International Socialist Review (108), pp 30-37
– Die Auslaüfer der Schockwelle [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2011, Springerin, Vienna (17), 3, pp 30-34
– The Perils of People Power, Achcar, Gilbert, 2011, American Review: Global Perspectives on US Affairs, 5, pp 49-54
– Libyen – eine notwendige Debatte, Achcar, Gilbert, 2011, Das Argument, Karlsruhe (53), 2, pp 186-192
– Eine historische Chance für die Linke [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2011, Marx 21, 20, pp 35-38
– Der arbeitenden Bevölkerung fehlt eine eigenständige politische Vertretung [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2011, Emanzipation: Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie (1), 2, pp 81-92
– Europe and the Arab Spring, Achcar, Gilbert, 2011, Government Gazette, London
– L’intellectuel symbolique: Notes sur la marge des Mémoires de Daniel Bensaïd, Achcar, Gilbert, 2010, Lignes, Paris, 32, pp 11-20
– ‘Al-Yasār al-‘Arabi: Hiwār Ajrāhu Wā’il ‘Abdul-Rahīm’ = ليسار العربيّ: حوار أجراه وائل عبد الرحيم مع جلبير الأشقر, Achcar, Gilbert, 2010, Al-Adāb (58), 4-5, pp 41-46
– An al-‘Arab wa al-Mahraqa al-Nāziyya = عن العرب والمحرقة النازية, Achcar, Gilbert, 2010, Al-Adāb (58), 9-10, pp 89-95
– ‘An al-‘Arab wa al-Mahraqa al-Nāziyya = عن العرب والمحرقة النازية, Achcar, Gilbert, 2010, Al-Adāb (58), 9-10, pp 89-95
– The Right to Movement and the Right to Development, Achcar, Gilbert, 2009, Myth of Europa, May, pp 9
– Egypt’s Recent Growth: An ‘Emerging Success Story’?, Achcar, Gilbert, 2009, Development Viewpoint, 22
– Fi al-Barnāmaj al-Istrātīji lil-Nidāl al-Taharruri al-Filastīni = في البرنامج الإستراتيجيّ للنضال التحرريّ الفلسطينيّ, Achcar, Gilbert, 2009, Al-Adāb (57), 9-10, pp 77-81
– États-Unis – L’assurance ultime : la suprématie militaire’ Interview, Achcar, Gilbert, 2008, La Brèche, 3, pp 14-20
– The U.S. is sowing the seeds of a long term tragedy [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2008, Mesele, 18, pp 15-22
– The Deepening Crisis: Islam and the Structure of Global Power’ [Roundtable discussion], Achcar, Gilbert, 2008, The Humanist (68), 2, pp 16-20
– L’Orientalisme à rebours : de certaines tendances de l’orientalisme français après 1979, Achcar, Gilbert, 2008, Mouvements, 54, pp 128-144
– Der 33-Tage Krieg und die Resolution 1701 des UN-Sicherheitsrats, Achcar, Gilbert, 2006, INAMO, 47, pp 28-31
– Liban: Les desseins impériaux à l’épreuve du réel [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2006, Mouvements, 47/48, pp 158-166
– Corcuff et la théorie du complot, Achcar, Gilbert, 2006, Contretemps, 17, pp 159-170
– Die „besondere Beziehung“ zwischen den USA und Israel, Achcar, Gilbert, 2006, INAMO, 45, pp 38-42
– Getting Out of Iraq, Achcar, Gilbert and Shalom, Stephen, 2006, New Politics (10), 4, pp 5-10
– Die Lage im Irak, Achcar, Gilbert, 2006, INAMO, 47, pp 47-50
– Las relaciones internacionales hoy. ¿Quién diría que éste es un mundo más seguro? [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2005, Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política, 25, pp 140-146
– Entretien avec Gilbert Achcar. Mondialisation, ordre mondial et mouvement de la paix, Achcar, Gilbert, 2005, Variations: Revue internationale de théorie critique. Barbaries, résurgences, résistances, 1, pp 61-68
– Marxismes et Religion, hier et aujourd’hui, Achcar, Gilbert, 2005, Contretemps: À quels saints se vouer? Espaces publics et religions, 12, pp 176-189
– Sofortiger Rückzug der US-Truppen aus dem Irak?! Eine Debatte zwischen Juan Cole und Gilbert Achcar, Achcar, Gilbert, 2005, INAMO, 44, pp 27-30
– Où va l’Irak? L’occupation états-unienne et le mouvement anti-guerre après les élections, Achcar, Gilbert, 2005, Une Suisse sans armée, bulletin du GSSA, 65
– Maxime Rodinson: Sur l’intégrisme islamique – Un entretien inédit’ in ‘Islam et modernité [Maxime Rodinson on Islamic “Fundamentalism” – An Unpublished Interview with Gilbert Achcar], Achcar, Gilbert, 2004, Mouvements, 36, pp 72-76
– US Imperial Strategy in the Middle East, Achcar, Gilbert, 2004, Monthly Review: an independent socialist magazine (55), 9, pp 23-36
– Lettre à un/e militant/e antiguerre passablement déprimé/e, Achcar, Gilbert, 2003, Le Passant Ordinaire, 45/46, pp 10-11
– Sur le mouvement anti-guerre et ses perspectives: réponse à Perry Anderson, Achcar, Gilbert, 2003, Mouvements, 27/28, pp 142-164
– La guerre d’Irak et l’instauration d’un “nouvel ordre impérial” [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert, 2003, Mouvements, 22, pp 6-7
– Engels: theorist of war, theorist of revolution, Achcar, Gilbert, 2002, International Socialism: A Quarterly Review of Socialist Theory, 97, pp 69-89
– La mondialisation de la “manifest destiny” des États-Unis, Achcar, Gilbert, 2002, Recherches internationales, 4, pp 49-53
– Le Choc des barbaries. Le 11 septembre et ses lendemains, Achcar, Gilbert, 2002, Contretemps, 3, pp 9-28
– The Spirit (and the Budget) of a New Cold War, Achcar, Gilbert, 2001, The Spokesman, 70, pp 28-33
– Le “pessimisme historique” de Perry Anderson, Achcar, Gilbert, 2000, Actuel Marx, 28, pp 196-202
– Is NATO’s Onslaught a “Just War”?, Achcar, Gilbert, 1999, Monthly Review: an independent socialist magazine (51), 2, pp 15-19
– La sociologie du pouvoir chez Ibn Khaldoun – une lecture wébérienne, Achcar, Gilbert, 1999, Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (107), pp 369-388
– Review: Gaza Under Hamas: From Islamic democracy to Islamist governance Björn Brenner. London I.B. Tauris, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). The Times Literary Supplement
– Three different takes on ISIS: Review of three books by Patrick Cockburn, Michael Weiss and Hassan Hassan, and Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). The Political Quarterly (87) 1, pp 125-28
– Review: ‘Gaza as Metaphor’ ed. Helga Tawil-Souri and Dina Matar, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Journal of Palestine Studies (45) 4, pp 81-82
– Review: ‘Arab Responses to Fascism and Nazism: Attraction and Repulsion’ ed. Israel Gershoni, Achcar, Gilbert (2015). Journal of Palestine Studies (44) 3, pp 56-58
– Review: ‘The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis: The Berlin Years’ by Klaus Gensicke, Achcar, Gilbert (2015). Journal of Palestine Studies (45) 1, pp 102-103
– Review: ‘The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge’ by Ilan Pappé, Achcar, Gilbert (2014). Journal of Palestine Studies (43) 3, pp 72-74
– Review of ‘Confronting Fascism in Egypt: Dictatorship Versus Democracy in the 1930s’ by Israel Gershoni and James Jankowski, Stanford University Press, 2009, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Arab Studies Journal (20) 1, pp 162-166
– Religion, Achcar, Gilbert (2020). In: Musto, Marcello, (ed.), The Marx Revival. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 320-337
– Analyzing the Middle East, Achcar, Gilbert (2018). In: Vidal, Matthew, (eds.), Smith, Tony, (eds.), Rotta, Tomás, (eds.) and Prew, Paul, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx. Oxford: Oxford University Press
– Palestine and the Arab Upheaval: Can Palestine still inspire the Arab world?, Achcar, Gilbert (2018). In: Stern-Weiner, Jamie, (ed.), Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine’s Toughest Questions. New York: OR Books, pp 391-406
– Arab Reactions to Nazism and the Holocaust: Scholarship and the ‘War of Narratives’, Achcar, Gilbert (2018). In: Nicosia, Francis R., (eds.) and Ergene, Boğaç, (eds.), Nazism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East: Arab and Turkish Responses. Oxford; New York: Berghahn, pp 23-41
– The Transition from Capitalism, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). In: Rahnema, Saeed, (ed.), The Transition from Capitalism: Marxist Perspectives. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
– Social Justice and Neoliberalism, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). In: Said, Salam, (ed.), Towards Socially Just Development in the MENA Region. Tunis: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, pp 18-29
– La France renoue avec l’état d’exception, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). In: Grillon, Marie, (eds.) and Touzet, Hugo, (eds.), Etat d’urgence démocratique. Vulaines-sur-Seine: Editions du Croquant
– Preface, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). In: Di Tolla, Anna Maria, (eds.) and Ersilia, Francesca, (eds.), Emerging Actors in Post-Revolutionary North Africa: Gender Mobility and Social Activism. Napoli: Studi Magrebini, pp 9-10
– Fascism in the Middle East and North Africa, Achcar, Gilbert (2015). In: Ghazal, Amal, (eds.) and Hanssen, Jens, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press
– Preface, Achcar, Gilbert (2015). In: Rodinson, Maxime, (ed.), Marxism and the Muslim World. London: Zed Books, pp ix-xi
– Le conflit des solidarités dans le monde arabe, Achcar, Gilbert (2015). In: Supiot, Alain, (ed.), La Solidarité. Enquête sur un principe juridique. Paris: Odile Jacob, pp 213-220
– La cause des Palestiniens, Achcar, Gilbert (2014). In: Brauman, Rony, (ed.), Pour les Palestiniens. Manifeste. Paris: Autrement, pp 56-65
– The Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives: Critical Dialogues with Gilbert Achcar, Achcar, Gilbert, Hashemi, Nader, Chernus, Ira and Rovner, Adam (2014). In: Hashemi, Nader, (ed.), Center for Middle East Studies, Occassional Paper Series No. 3. Denver, Co: University of Denver, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Center for Middle East Studies
– Preface, Achcar, Gilbert (2013). In: Rooney, Caroline, (eds.) and Sakr, Rita, (eds.), The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Art, and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London: Routledge, pp xv-xvii
– Nota bene: Edward Said and Avraham Burg: Two Free Voices, Achcar, Gilbert (2013). In: Meddeb, Abdelwahab, (eds.) and Stora, Benjamin, (eds.), A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp 543-545
– Preface, Achcar, Gilbert (2013). In: Rooney, Caroline, (eds.) and Sakr, Rita, (eds.), The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Art, and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut. London: Routledge, pp xv-xvii
– Le soulèvement arabe entre revolution et contre-révolution, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). In: Badie, Bertrand, (eds.) and Vidal, Dominique, (eds.), La cassure: L’état du monde 2013. Paris: La découverte, pp 123-129
– The United States in the Middle East, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). In: Aksan, Cihan, (eds.) and Baile, Jon, (eds.), Weapon of the Strong: Conversations on US State Terrorism. London: Pluto, pp 173-191
– The Allon Plan and the Impediments to Palestinian Statehood, Achcar, Gilbert (2011). In: Krieger, H., (ed.), Perspectives Beyond War and Crisis III: What Kind of Palestinian State for what Kind of Peace? ; Report Based on a Conference at the Albert-Schweitzer-Haus in Vienna, Austria, November 23, 2010. Vienna: Vienna Inst. for Internat. Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC), pp 73-91
– Nakba, Achcar, Gilbert (2010). In: Benbassa, Esther, (ed.), Dictionnaire des racismes, de l’exclusion et des discriminations. Paris: Larousse, pp 497
– Kosmopolitismus, moderner, Achcar, Gilbert (2010). In: Haug, Wolfgang Fritz, (ed.), Historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus. Berlin: Institut für kritische Theorie (Inkrit)
– Antisémitisme et négationnisme dans l’Orient arabo-musulman, Achcar, Gilbert (2010). In: Benbassa, Esther, (ed.), Dictionnaire des racismes, de l’exclusion et des discriminations. Paris: Larousse, pp 143-146
– Stability and Instability in Egypt: A Closer Look at Recent Egyptian Growth, Achcar, Gilbert (2009). Claves de la Economía Mundial, 9ª edición. Madrid: Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), pp 455-461
– Por detrás da crise de Gaza – entrevista com Gilbert Achcar, Achcar, Gilbert (2009). In: Louçã, António, (ed.), Do Muro das Lamentações ao Muro do Apartheid. Lisbon: Fim de Século, pp 97-114
– Preface, Achcar, Gilbert (2009). In: Nachira, Cinzia, (ed.), Identità e Conflitto. Il Caso Israelo-Palestinese. Rome: Shahrazad, pp 7-9
– Azmat al-Qiyada wa al-Bada’il, Achcar, Gilbert (2008). Al-Yasar al-‘Arabi fi Muwajahat al-‘Awlama al-Niulibiraliyya. Beirut: Al-Farabi, pp 94-102
– Religion and Politics Today from a Marxian Perspective, Achcar, Gilbert (2008). In: Panitch, Leo, (eds.) and Leys, Colin, (eds.), Socialist Register 2008: Global Flashpoints: Reactions to Imperialism and Neoliberalism. New York: Monthly Review Press, pp 55-76
– Preface, Achcar, Gilbert (2007). Afīf Farrāj, The Oriental Roots of Greek Culture (in Arabic). Beirut: Dar al-Adāb, pp 11-15
– Religion and Politics Today from a Marxian Perspective, Achcar, Gilbert (2007). In: Panitch, Leo, (eds.) and Leys, Colin, (eds.), Global Flashpoints: Reactions to Imperialism and Neoliberalism. Halifax (Canada): Fernwood Publishing; London: Merlin Press; New York: Monthly Review Press, pp 55-76
– The United States Should Withdraw from Iraq, Achcar, Gilbert (2007). In: Friedman, Lauri, (ed.), The Middle East (Introducing Issues With Opposing Viewpoints). Detroit: Greenhaven, pp 85-90
– Marxism, its Outsiders Kracauer and Mills and the Sociology of Office Workers, Achcar, Gilbert (2007). Gespenst Subjekt (German). Münster: UNRAST-Verlag, pp 39-79
– Ikhfāq al-Mashru‘ al-Tanwīri fi al-Mintaqa al-‘Arabiyya wa Shurūt Istinhādihi, Achcar, Gilbert, Cherif, Maher, Ghalioun, Burhan and Mroué, Karim (2007). Azmat al-Nizām al-‘Arabi wa Ishkāliyyāt al-Nahda (Arabic). Beirut: Al-Intishar al-Arabi, pp 99-112
– Three texts in the 2nd edition of L’Atlas, Achcar, Gilbert (2006). Le Monde diplomatique. Paris: Le Monde, pp 42-43, 50-51, 54-55
– Le reazioni all’Olocausto nel Medio Oriente arabo. [The Reactions to the Holocaust in the Arab Middle East], Achcar, Gilbert (2006). In: Cattaruzza, Marina, (eds.), Flores, Marcello, (eds.), Sullam, Simon Levis, (eds.) and Traverso, Enzo, (eds.), Storia della Shoah. La crisi dell’Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo.. Torino: UTET Libreria, pp 869-900
– Seven Theses on the Current Period, the War and the Anti-War Movement, Achcar, Gilbert (2006). In: Falk, Richard, (eds.), Gendzier, Irene, (eds.) and Lifton, Robert Jay, (eds.), Crimes of War: Iraq. New York: Nation Books, pp 315-322
– The Clash of Barbarisms, Achcar, Gilbert (2006). In: Tuathail, Gearoid O., (eds.), Dalby, Simon, (eds.) and Routledge, Paul, (eds.), The Geopolitics Reader. London: Routledge, pp 270-274
– Reactions to the Nazi Judeocide in the Arab Middle East, Achcar, Gilbert (2006). In: Cattaruzza, Marina, (eds.), Flores, Marcello, (eds.), Sullam, Simon Levis, (eds.) and Traverso, Enzo, (eds.), Storia della Shoah. La crisi dell’Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo (in Italian). Torino UTET Libreria, pp 869-900
– Libanon: die gefährlichen Auswirkungen der US-Einmischung [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2005). Nahost Reader. Berlin: Achse des Friedens, pp 12-16
– Guerre impériale et guerre sociale: trois propositions et une espérance, Achcar, Gilbert (2005). In: Bidet, Jacques, (ed.), Guerre impériale Guerre sociale. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp 27-30
– Introduction to Arbeitsmarkt, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Familienpolitik und die Geschlechterfrage: deutsch-französische Konvergenzen und Divergenzen, Achcar, Gilbert, Simon, Dagmar and Veil, Mechthild (2005). In: Achcar, Gilbert, (ed.), Arbeitsmarkt, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Familienpolitik und die Geschlechterfrage: deutsch-französische Konvergenzen und Divergenzen. Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), pp 5-10
– Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien, Achcar, Gilbert (2004). In: Nielsberg, Jérôme-Alexandre, (ed.), Violences impériales et lutte de classes. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp 47-59
– ‘Empire’, Achcar, Gilbert (2004). In: Hermansen, Christian, (ed.), Encyclopaedia Universalis, vol. 1. Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis, pp 325-326
– Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien, Achcar, Gilbert, Amin, Samir, Chomsky, Noam, Dumenil, Gerard, Foster, John Bellamy, Gilardi, Paolo, Levy, Dominique, Magdoff, Harry and McChesney, Robert W. (2003). Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp 15-24
– Marx et Engels face à la guerre, Achcar, Gilbert (2003). In: Spire, Arnaud, (ed.), Marx contemporain. Paris: Syllepse, pp 171-184
– La militarisation du monde et les nouvelles conditions de la paix, Achcar, Gilbert (2002). In: Amin, Samir, (eds.) and Houtart, François, (eds.), Mondialisation des résistances: L’état des luttes 2002. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp 257-266
– The Clash of Barbarisms, Achcar, Gilbert (2002). In: Bilek, Anita, (eds.), Graf, Wilfried, (eds.) and Neumann, Alexander, (eds.), Kritik des Gewalt Friedenspolitik im Zeichen von Krieg und Terror. Vienna: Promedia, pp 40-71
– ‘La Commune de Paris – 1871’, ‘La révolution russe de 1905’ and ‘La guerre d’Espagne – 1936’, Achcar, Gilbert (2000). In: Lowy, Michael, (ed.), Révolutions. Paris: Hazan, pp 23-33, 69-77, 355-367
– Paix et sécurité, Achcar, Gilbert (2000). Histoire et sens de la construction européenne. Paris: French Ministry of European Affairs, pp 228-230
– L’esprit (et le budget) d’une nouvelle guerre froide, Achcar, Gilbert (2000). In: De La Gorce, Paul-Marie, (ed.), Les États-Unis s’en vont-ils en guerre. Brussels: GRIP-Complexe, pp 75-84
– Preface, Achcar, Gilbert (2000). In: Chomsky, Noam, (ed.), Le Nouvel Humanisme militaire: Leçons du Kosovo. Montréal: Éditions Écosociété, pp 7-19
– Coup d’État et mouvement populaire’ in Octobre 1917, Achcar, Gilbert (1999). In: Drweski, Bruno, (ed.), Octobre 1917 : causes, impacts, prolongements : colloque international [organisé par] Espaces Marx [à l’] Université Paris VIII, 14-16 novembre 1997. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp 14-20
– Introduction. Ernest Mandel (1923-1995): un portrait intellectuel, Achcar, Gilbert (1999). In: Achcar, Gilbert, (ed.), The Legacy of Ernest Mandel. London; New York: Verso, pp 3-15
– Le monde selon Washington, Achcar, Gilbert (1999). In: Lelièvre, Henri, (ed.), Les États-Unis, maîtres du monde?. Brussels: Complexe, pp 133-144
– Engels, penseur de la guerre, penseur de la révolution, Achcar, Gilbert (1997). In: Labica, Georges, (eds.) and Delbraccio, Mireille, (eds.), Friedrich Engels, savant et révolutionnaire. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp 139-160
– Sovereignty and Development, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Cairo: (Arab Forum for Alternatives)
– Zionism, anti-semitism, and the Balfour Declaration, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Open Democracy
– Le référendum au Kurdistan irakien dessert la cause kurde elle-même [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Jeune Afrique
– Baghdad in France, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Jacobin
– En refusant d’aider l’opposition laïque et démocratique, les Etats-Unis ont soutenu Bachar al-Assad- Interview, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). La Cité
– Le monde arabe est entré dans un processus révolutionnaire sur le long terme [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Libération
– Dans le monde arabe, l’espoir reste permis [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Le Point Afrique
– Gilbert Achcar face à l’hiver arabe [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Le Monde des Livres
– Daesh, c’est la contre-révolution [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Jeune Afrique
– Mu‘dilat al-Thawra al-‘Arabiyya: ‘Dawr Yabhath ‘an Batal’, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Rassd
– Après les révolutions arabes, il reste des raisons d’espérer [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Mediapart
– Hal Yastati‘ al-Sha‘b Isqat al-Nizam wal-Dawla La Tazal Qa’ima?, Achcar, Gilbert (2017). Bidayat
– The Sixth Anniversary of the Start of the Arab Uprisings, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Jadaliyya
– New Texts out Now: Gilbert Achcar, Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Jadaliyya
– Ma Damat al-Qiwa al-Taqadummiyya ‘Ajiza ‘an Tashkil Bada’il Qawiyya wa Haqiqiyya Sanabqa fi Dawwamat al-Azamat [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Anfass al-Dimuqratiyya
– Islamic fundamentalism, the Arab Spring, and the Left [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). International Socialist Review
– What does Trump’s victory mean for the Middle East?, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Al Jazeera
– Without compelling change on ground there is no end for war in Syria, says prominent political scientist Gilbert Achcar [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Ahram Online
– Fabricated Claims [Letter 8 Oct 2016], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Economic and Political Weekly, 51
– The Syrian Truce and Obama’s Exit Strategy, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). The Nation
– Hal Yastati‘ al-Sha‘b Isqat al-Nizam wal-Dawla La Tazal Qa’ima?, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Issam Fares Institute
– Al-Ashqar Yashrah al-Rabi‘ al-‘Arabi wa Intikassatahu [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Qantara
– Towards Progressive Politics in the Middle East [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). New Politics
– Io, insegnante di Giulio e quelle accuse indegne, Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Il Sole 24 Ore
– La France en « guerre contre le terrorisme » ou le retour du choc des barbaries [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Mouvements
– Gilbert Achcar on the Arab Upheaval–Facts and Fiction [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 18
– Q and A: The terrible illusion of the Arab Spring [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2016). Al Jazeera
– La religion peut-elle servir le progrès social?, Achcar, Gilbert (2015). Le Monde Diplomatique
– Há um grande jogo na região [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2015). Zero Hora, Porto Alegre
– Hiwār ma‘ Gilbert al-Ashqar [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2015). Al-Jumhuriyya
– Kalıcı barış demokrasiyle mümkün [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2015). Ozgür Gündem
– Qu’est-ce que ‘l’islamo-fascisme [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2015). L’Orient-Le Jour
– We’re Facing an Important Crossroad, Achcar, Gilbert (2015). [English]
– Alayna an nakhluqa qutban thalithan [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2015). [Arabic]
– The End of Empire?: Violence and US Hegemony in the Middle East [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2015). New Left Project, 1 June
– Problems of Transition from Capitalism (In Farsi) [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2014). Naqd Iqtisad Siyassi
– The people want – but do they have a chance? [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2014). openDemocracy
– Le monde arabe entre nouvelle étape révolutionnaire et risque de régression [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2014). ContreTemps, 20
– Que reste-t-il du Printemps arabe ?”, Achcar, Gilbert (2014). L’Orient littéraire; Beirut
– New but Still Cold [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2014). LeftEast
– Arab Spring Has Now Turned into a Winter [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2014). The Hindu
– Philo- and Anti-Semitism in Germany: Interview with Gilbert Achcar by Anna Younes, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Jadaliyya
– Never Again (On the Günter Grass Poem Affair), Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Middle East Monitor
– Que peuvent les classes moyennes? Retour sur le ‘printemps arabe’, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Le Monde diplomatique
– There’s a fear that the fall of Assad would lead to worse for Western interests and Israel. . ., Achcar, Gilbert and Kiliç, Aykut (2012). ZNet
– Springtime for the Arab Left?, Achcar, Gilbert, Drucker, Peter and de Jong, Alex (2012). International Viewpoint
– L’évolution de la gauche arabe au XXe siècle: crise, marginalisation et perspectives. Table ronde: La gauche et les révolutions arabes, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). ContreTemps
– Theses on the ‘Arab Spring’, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Jadaliyya
– Al-Intihāziyyūn wal-Thawra, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Al-Akhbar. Beirut
– Arab Revolutions: One year on. Interview with Gilbert Achcar, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). International Viewpoint
– ‘17 Disambir 2010’ Bidāyat Sayrūra Thawriyya Tawīlat al-Amad, Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Al-Akhbar. Beirut
– Desigualdade gerou ‘primavera árabe’ [interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2012). Jornal UNESP, São Paulo
– Sūriyā: Bayn al-‘Askarat wa al-Tadakhkhul al-‘Askari wa Ghiyāb al-Strātijiyya, Achcar, Gilbert (2011). Al-Akhbar. Beirut
– Poder dos EUA diminui no Oriente Médio [interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2011). Folha de São Paulo
– The Muslim Brothers in Egypt’s ‘orderly transition, Achcar, Gilbert (2011). Le Monde diplomatique
– Sait-on qu’un Palestinien a créé un musée de l’Holocauste. [interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2010).
– Le négationnisme est un phénomène relativement récent dans le monde arabe [interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2010).
– Réfuter les caricatures [interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2010).
– Pourquoi le négationnisme progresse dans le monde arabe [interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2009).
– Al-Nizām al-Masri Yajma‘ Sayyi’āt Nizām al-Sūq wa Nizām al-Shumūliyyat, Achcar, Gilbert (2009).
– The Crisis in Gaza: An Interview with Gilbert Achcar, Achcar, Gilbert (2009).
– Un’aggressione premeditata, Achcar, Gilbert (2008). Il Manifesto
– ‘La crisi a Beirut non è chiusa, ci vuole il dialogo, anche con Damasco’. [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2008).
– On the Middle East: An Interview with Gilbert Achcar, Achcar, Gilbert (2007).
– Lebanon at a Crossroads, Achcar, Gilbert (2007).
– The Iraqi Debacle [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2007).
– Pour un modèle social européen, Achcar, Gilbert (2007).
– Q and A: ‘U.S. Politics Turning Communities Against Each Other’, interview with Gilbert Achcar, Achcar, Gilbert (2007).
– La question des milices. Les territoires occupés. La présence de l’ONU [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– First Reflections on the Electoral Victory of Hamas, Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– The Failure of the Enlightenment Project in the Arab Region and the conditions of its Resurrection (in Arabic), Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– El choque de barbaries, Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– Iraq: The Case for Immediate Withdrawal [interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– Lebanon: The 33-Day War and UNSC Resolution 1701, Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– The Sinking Ship of U.S. Imperial Designs, Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– Libano sull’orlo di una guerra civile. Decisivo il ruolo del governo [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– A Gaza e Beirut, barbarie asimmetrica [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– An Interview with Gilbert Achcar [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2006).
– Chances et aléas du printemps arabe, Achcar, Gilbert (2005).
– Whither Iraq? The US occupation and the antiwar movement after the election, Achcar, Gilbert (2005).
– Reply To Alex Callinicos, Achcar, Gilbert (2005).
– Second Reply To Alex Callinicos, Achcar, Gilbert (2005).
– Assessing China, Achcar, Gilbert (2005).
– On the Forthcoming Election in Iraq, Achcar, Gilbert (2005).
– The Late French Orientalist Maxime Rodinson and the Issues of Political Islam and Fundamentalism (in Arabic), Achcar, Gilbert (2004).
– Seven theses on the current period, the war and the anti-war movement, Achcar, Gilbert (2004).
– Irak: L’impérialisme américain dans un bourbier [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2004).
– Self-Deception and Selective Expertise: Bush’s Cakewalk into the Iraq Quagmire, Achcar, Gilbert (2004).
– Le nouveau masque de la politique américaine au Proche-Orient, Achcar, Gilbert (2004).
– O Atoleiro Iraquiano [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2004).
– La perspective d’un monde où les nations vivront en harmonie, Achcar, Gilbert (2004).
– Le nouvel embourbement américain [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2003).
– Au pays du prophète, des princes, du pétrole et de ben Laden [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2003).
– L’OTAN à la conquête de l’Est, Achcar, Gilbert (2003).
– Europa después de la guerra de Irak [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2003).
– Vasallen rykker lidt i laenken [Interview], Achcar, Gilbert (2003).
– Morosité “fin de siècle”, Achcar, Gilbert (2001). March
– La construction de la «coalition contre le terrorisme: Jeu triangulaire entre Washington, Moscou et Pékin, Achcar, Gilbert (2001).
– Le monde au seuil du XXIe siècle, Achcar, Gilbert (2000).
– Le visage inquiétant du nouveau siècle, Achcar, Gilbert (2000).
– L’OTAN: Toujours plus à l’Est’, Achcar, Gilbert (1999).
– The Age of Extremes, the Age of Massacres [in Arabic], Achcar, Gilbert (1999).
– Le spectre du ‘bioterrorisme’, Achcar, Gilbert (1998).
– Le monde arabe orphelin de la démocratie, Achcar, Gilbert (1997).
– Les multiples visages de l’intégrisme islamique, Achcar, Gilbert (1997).
– Les Nations unies au fil des objectifs américains, Achcar, Gilbert (1995).
– Series of interviews on Islamic Fundamentalism by Oral Çalislar, Achcar, Gilbert (1994).