Thesis : Political Risk Perception: Nord Stream 2 – Risk or Chance? Political Risk Management and its Role for European Cooperation.
Sabine Yang-Schmidt is a German expert for international economics and politics with a focus on business, risk and strategy consulting. Her successes include having designed and launched numerous representative offices abroad, co-founding and initiating international projects on women in leadership or human rights and business ethics, and accelerating multiple international business collaboration projects. Her most recent task was to set up and manage the State of Berlin’s first business office abroad in Beijing, China. With an Executive Master in International Politics, a University Diploma in Area Studies on East Asia and Law Studies, and certificates in International Relations and Political Economies, Cybersecurity, EU Policy, Diplomacy, Governance, Ms. Yang-Schmidt’s skills and attitude toward lifelong learning bring the latest trends in international relations to her work, helping organisations, institutions, and businesses to navigate in an era of global political and economic transformation.