Executive Master in International Politics

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Study with renowned Professors, high profile Lecturers and Key Experts…

The high quality of the programme rests above all on its participating faculty. Ceris has developed an extensive network of contacts with renowned scholars drawn from leading academic and research institutions and with key experts from international organisations. This pooling of resources provides a high-profile professorial corps which few institutions could provide on their own. Every year, the programme is supported by sixty experts from such academic institutions as the London School of Economics and Political Science – LSE, the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, King’s College, the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, SciencesPo Paris, Sorbonne University, The Graduate Institute of International & Development Studies Geneva, Australian University of Queensland, American Universities such as Johns Hopkins, UCLA, Princeton, Harvard and College of William and Mary.

Professor Guy Olivier Faure is the President of the Executive Board of CERIS (since 2022). He is an expert in the field of International Negotiation. He was teaching Sociology at Sorbonne University. He is a senior researcher at CEIBS, Shanghai. He has also been visiting professor in a significant number of Universities all over the world (Visiting professor at Harvard and Oxford Universities). He has lectured in various countries in Europe, the US, China, and Latin America. Professor Guy Olivier Faure has authored, co-authored, and edited 23 books and over 140 articles. His works have been published in twelve different languages. He is referenced in the Diplomat’s Dictionary published by the United States Peace Press, Washington, 1997. His publications include: How people negotiate: resolving disputes in different cultures, Negotiating with terrorists: strategy tactics and politics (with W. Zartman), Culture and Negotiation (with J. Rubin), Escalation and negotiation (with W. Zartman), Jordanie: Une diplomatie arabe dans le monde, (with J. Al Shalabi and P. Blanc). He is a member of the editorial board of three major international journals: Negotiation Journal (Harvard, Cambridge); Group Decision and Negotiation (New York); International Negotiation (Washington). [read more]

Professor Michael Cox is a Founding Director of LSE IDEAS (LSE’s foreign Policy Think Tank). He was Director of LSE IDEAS (2008-2019). In a 2018 international survey, LSE IDEAS ranked number one university affiliated Think Tanks in the world. Michael Cox is Emeritus professor of International Relations at LSE and guest professor at CERIS, since the early nineties. He has also held several senior professional positions in the field of international relations including chair of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), member of the Executive Committee of the British International Studies Association and of The Irish National Committee for the Study of International Affairs. Since joining the LSE he has also acted as Academic Director of both the LSE-PKU Summer School and of the Executive Summer School. In 2011, he launched a new Executive Masters in Global Strategy designed to teach senior foreign policy practitioners. He also serves on the editorial board of several academic journals and has been Editor of several leading journals in IR, including The Review of International Studies, International Relations, Cold War History, and International Politics. He is the author, editor and co-editor of over twenty books including US Foreign policy and democracy promotion: Agonies of Empire: American Power from Clinton to Biden (2022). [read more]

Fawaz A. Gerges is Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and holder of the Emirates Professorship in Contemporary Middle East Studies. He was also the inaugural Director of the LSE Middle East Centre from 2010 until 2013. He earned a doctorate from Oxford University and M.Sc. from the London School of Economics. Gerges has taught at Oxford, Harvard, and Columbia, and was a research scholar at Princeton and the chairholder of the Christian A. Johnson Chair in Middle Eastern Studies and International Affairs at Sarah Lawrence College, New York. His special interests include Islam and the political process, social movements, including mainstream Islamist movements and jihadist groups (like the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda), Arab politics and Muslim politics in the 20th century, the international relations of the Middle East, the Arab-Israeli conflict, state and society in the Middle East, American foreign policy towards the Muslim world, the modern history of the Middle East, history of conflict, diplomacy and foreign policy, and historical sociology. Professor Fawaz A. Gerges’ most recent books include: What Really Went Wrong: The West and the failure of democracy in the Middle East (Yale University Press, 2024). [read more] [Gallery]

Dr. Pascal Boniface is the founding Director of the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs – IRIS, based in Paris. He is the Director of the quarterly journal “La Revue internationale et stratégique” (International and strategic review) since 1991, and the Editor of “L’Année stratégique” (Strategic Yearbook) since 1985. Dr. Pascal BONIFACE has published or edited more than sixty books dealing with International Relations, Nuclear Deterrence and Disarmament, European Security, French International Policy, Sport in the International Relations (he developed the concept of Geopolitics of Sport) and also the conflict in the Middle-East and its impact in France. Many of them have become classics, reissued on a regular basis and translated in several languages. He publishes numerous articles in international and strategic reviews, is regularly present in the media, national and international, written and audiovisual, and gives many conferences in France and abroad. He’s one of the most followed geopolitical analysts on social networks. He also analyses international issues on his own YouTube channel and weekly podcasts “Comprendre le monde”. On the occasion of the Opening Lecture of CERIS-ULB Diplomatic School of Brussels, Dr. Pascal Boniface delivered a conference on “The State of the World” on Friday, October 21st, 2022. [read more] [Gallery]

Bertrand Badie is a Professor of International Relations at Sciences Po Paris and former vice-president of Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). He is one of the most renowned French specialists in international relations. He has published more than 25 books which have been translated into many languages. Professor Badie is a one of the general editors of The International Encyclopedia of Political Science. He is also a member of the advisory board of several journals: European Review of International Studies (Chairman), International Journal of Human Rights, Journal of International Relations and Development, Contemporary Politics, Brazilian Journal of Strategy and International Relations, Etudes Internationales, Indian Journal of Law and International Affairs. Professor Badie has taught in many universities around the world: Universities of Lausanne, Geneva, Tunis, Rabat, Fès, Porto-Alegre, Bologna,… Bertrand Badie has authored almost forty publications, including “Nous ne sommes plus seuls au monde” (2016), “Quand le Sud réinvente le monde” (2018), “L’hégémonie contestée” (2019), “Handbook of Political Science” (in coll 2020) and “Rethinking International Relations”, his most recent book, published in 2020. [read more] [Gallery]

Professor Anastasia Nesvetailova is Head of Macroeconomics and Political Development Department, UNCTAD, Geneva and Professor of International Political Economy at City University of London. She was Director of City Political Economy Research Centre – CITYPERC. Anastasia is a research specialist in International Political Economy. Her areas of interest cover finance and financial crises, globalisation and governance and her current research focuses on the themes of global financial fragility and crises, the formation of financial and monetary policies, and the process of capitalist evolution in Russia and other FSU countries. She is a former lecturer at the Centre for Global Political Economy of the University of Sussex. Professor Nesvetailova is the author of Fragile Finance: “Debt, Speculation and Crisis in the Age of Global Credit” (Palgrave, 2007) and “Financial Alchemy in Crisis: The Great Liquidity Illusion” (Pluto, 2010). She is a co-editor of “Global Finance in the New Century” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), “International Political Economy: A Reader” (Sage, 2007). Her latest book (January 2020): Sabotage: The Hidden Nature of Finance” or “Sabotage: The Business of Finance“, edited with Ronen Palan. [read more]

Richard Caplan is Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Studies. He is also an Official Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford University. His principal research interests are concerned with international organisations and conflict management, with a particular focus on peacekeeping and ‘post-conflict’ peace- and state-building. He is the author and editor of several books, among them Europe’s New Nationalism: States and Minorities in Conflict (Oxford University Press, 1996); A New Trusteeship? The International Administration of War-torn Territories (IISS/Routledge, 2002); Europe and the Recognition of New States in Yugoslavia (Cambridge University Press, 2005); International Governance of War-torn Territories: Rule and Reconstruction (Oxford University Press, 2005); and Exit Strategies and State Building (Oxford University Press, 2012). Professor Caplan has served as a Specialist-Advisor to the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs in the UK House of Commons; a Research Associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS); and New York Director of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR). He has also served as a consultant to the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) and to various national governments. [read more]

Professor Timothy J. Dunne was appointed to the role of Provost and Senior Vice-President at the University of Surrey in April 2022. Previously, Timo Dunne was Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor at The University of Queensland, Australia, where he is currently Emeritus. Prior to moving to Queensland, he was Professor of International Relations, Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, then Dean of the Social Sciences at the University of Exeter, from 2003-2010. As a theorist, Dunne has written on many paradigms, but his primary theoretical interest is in the English school. International Journal of Human Rights, He has served as an associate editor for several journals, including the Review of International Studies, the International Journal of Human Rights, and was an editor of the European Journal of international Relations (which is in the top 5 journals in the world for impact, according to the Journal Citation Reports). He began his career at the University of Wales in Aberystwyth after completing doctoral training at the University of Oxford, where he won a national prize for his PhD. His theoretical research interests connect to an applied agenda. He has published widely on human rights, on foreign policy (with particular reference to the UK), on the changing dynamics of world order after 9/11. [read more]

Professor Kate Sullivan (University of Oxford, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies) originally joined the Contemporary South Asian Studies Programme as a departmental lecturer in October 2010. In September 2017 she took up Oxford’s Associate Professorship in the International Relations of South Asia, a joint post between Area Studies and the Department of Politics and International Relations. She was Course Director for the MSc and MPhil in Modern South Asian Studies in 2018-19 and Director of CSASP from 2018-2021. She hold a Governing Body Fellowship at St Antony’s College. Her research centres on India’s identity and state behaviour as a rising power. Her book, Rising India: Status and Power (2017), with Rajesh Basrur, looks at India’s status-seeking strategies in world politics since Independence. From 2013 to 2015 she led a collaborative research project that examined India’s rise from the perspective of a number of significant non-Western states, resulting in the edited volume Competing Visions of India in World Politics: India’s Rise beyond the West (2015). From 2015 to 2017 Manjari Chatterjee Miller and she developed an international research network focussing on India’s foreign policy under the post-2014 government, leading to our joint-editorship of the special issue of International Affairs, ‘India’s Rise at 70’ (January 2017). [read more]

Professor Marc Bossuyt is the President of the Academic & Scientific Board of CERIS (since 2016). He is ” docteur en droit ” of the University of Ghent and ” docteur ès sciences politiques ” of the University of Geneva. He is a specialist in the field of international law and human rights. He has consecutively performed the following functions: Human Rights Officer at the United Nations (1975-1977); member (1981-1985, 1992-1999, 2004-2006) and president (2006) of the UN Sub-Commission on the Protection and the Promotion of Human Rights; representative of Belgium (1986-1991) and president (1989) of the UN Commission on Human Rights; member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (2000-2003; 2014-); Commissioner General for refugees and stateless persons (1987-1997); member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (since 2004). Professor Marc Bossuyt is also Emeritus Professor of the University of Antwerp (since 2007) and Emeritus President of the Constitutional Court of Belgium (since 2014). [read more] [Gallery]

Jacques Rupnik is Director of Research at CERI (Centre for International Studies and Research) at Sciences-Po, Paris He is a professor at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium and has been a visiting professor at Harvard University. After finishing his studies in History at the Sorbonne and Politics at Sciences-Po in 1972, he completed his MA in Soviet Studies at Harvard University in 1974, and his PhD (History of International Relations) at the Sorbonne (University Paris I, 1978). Jacques Rupnik was Executive Director of the International Commission on the Balkans and drafter of its report, Unfinished Peace, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1996. His recent work has focused on democratization and European integration of East-Central Europe, nationalism and post-conflict reconciliation in the Balkans. His publications include: 1989: Europe and the World transformed (with C. Lequesne) (London, Routledge, 2011); Les banlieues de l’Europe. Les politiques de voisinage de l’Union européenne (Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2007). He has co-authored The Kosovo Report, Conflict, International Response, Lessons Learned (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000). [read more]

Christian Lequesne is professor of political science at Sciences Po’s Center for International Studies (CERI), where he specializes in European Studies and Diplomacy. He participates in the ESRC project “The UK in a changing Europe” and is Sciences Po’s principal investigator within the H2020 EU-LISTCO project on European foreign policy. Research fellow and then Professor at Sciences Po since 1988, he was deputy director of CERI from 2000 to 2003, and director of CERI from 2009 to 2013. Director of the Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES) in Prague from 2004 to 2006, LSE-Sciences Po Alliance. Professor at the European Institute of the London School of Economics & Political Science – LSE from 2006 to 2008, member and vice-president of the Board of Directors of Sciences Po from 2007 to 2013. He is a regular visiting professor at the School of Government of LUISS University and the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna. Co-Founder and Co-Chief Editor with Prof. Christopher Hill (Cambridge) of European Review of International Studies (Brill), member of the international adversory board of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Journal of European Integration; Politique européenne. [read more]

Jamie Shea is Professor of Strategy and Security within the Strategy and Security Institute at the University of Exeter (since September 2018). He is also a Senior Fellow responsible for security and defence programmes at Friends of Europe and a Senior Advisor with the European Policy Centre.  Both of these think tanks are based in Brussels. He holds two other academic positions:  Distinguished Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and Security at the Institute of European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; Visiting Professor, Department of Politics at the University of Surrey. Jamie Shea also serves as Secretary General of the Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC) and is an Associate Fellow of the International Security Programme at Chatham House, United Kingdom.  He is also a member of the Senior Mentors group, advising the NATO Special Operations Forces Headquarters at SHAPE, Belgium. Jamie Shea was awarded a CMG in the New Year’s Honours list 2020. From 1980 to 2018, Jamie Shea was a member of the International Staff of NATO in Brussels. His last position was Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges. [read more]

Remco Breuker is Professor of Korean Studies at Leiden University. He has published extensively on Korean and Northeast Asian history and is a frequent commentator in the print media, on TV and on the radio about Korean affairs. He is the author of Forging the Truth: Creative Deception and National Identity in Medieval Korea (East Asian History 35, 2008) and Establishing a Pluralist Society in Medieval Korea, 918-1170: History, Ideology and Identity in the Koryŏ Dynasty (Brill, 2010). He has also published several translations of modern South Korean literature into Dutch. Breuker is the founder of Leiden Initiative on Northern Korea, a platform that seeks to study northern and North Korea in its historical and linguistic context. Professor Remco dr. Breuker is the director of the Modern East Asia Research Centre – MEARC. Interested in margins, marginality, hybridity and pluralism, since 2014 he has been working on making the voices of elite exiles from North Korea heard in academic debates. He currently works on an ERC-sponsored project on perceptions of Manchurian histories and a Leiden Asia Centre-sponsored project on North Korean forced labour in the EU. [read more]

Mr. Nicholas Williams is the Vice President of the Academic Board of CERIS-ULB Diplomatic School of Brussels (since 2021). He had filled a series of policy and public communications posts in London and in NATO, including as speech writer to three NATO Secretary Generals. He began his career in the British Ministry of Defence working on defence policy and planning issues, with multiple secondments to NATO functions during the Cold War and to the French Ministry of Defence in its aftermath. From 1997 to 1999 he was Assistant Director for Counter-terrorism in the British Ministry of Defence. From 2000-2003 he was attached to the policy directorate of the French Ministry of Defence where he was responsible for developing NATO-EU relations and Franco-British defence cooperation. He was a long-serving member of NATO’s International Staff, most recently as Head of Operations for Afghanistan and Iraq. Prior to this, Nick served in senior positions in NATO, EU, and British missions in Afghanistan, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Iraq. In 2005, he was awarded the Order of the British Empire for having negotiated the first post-Saddam provincial Council in Basra and, in 2007, he was awarded the Queen’s Medal for his distinguished services in Bosnia & Herzegovina. He is an experienced specialist in the field of security issues and conflict resolution. [read more]

Professor Ted Whiteside has a vast experience in the field of international organization and negotiation. Mr. Ted Whiteside was Acting Assistant Secretary General, NATO Public Diplomacy Division from September 2012 to August 2016. Prior to this, he was Secretary of the North Atlantic Council, Director of the NATO Ministerial and Summit Task Force in Brussels and Director of the NATO Weapons of Mass Destruction Centre. As Assistant Secretary General of NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Mr. Whiteside was responsible for guiding the Alliance’s public diplomacy strategies and overseeing their implementation in member nations and partner countries. His commitment leads him to Italy, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Japan, in many partner nations. Currently he is a professor at the University of International Studies of Rome (Unint). He was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the Governor General of Canada for the negotiations conducted with the Federal Republic of Germany. He is a Graduate of the NATO Defense College, did postgraduate studies in International Politics in Brussels, and holds an M.A. from the University of Montréal and a B.A. from York University. [read more]

Daniel Large is professor at Central European University (CEU). Before joining SPP, Dr. Large was research director of the Africa-Asia Centre, Royal African Society at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). He has been a research associate with the South African Institute of International Affairs, a visiting researcher at the Danish Institute of International Studies, a visiting lecturer at the Centre Européen de Recherches Internationales et Stratégiques (CERIS), Brussels, and project director of the Rift Valley institute’s digital Sudan Open Archive.  He has also worked for or consulted with a variety of international organizations. Dr. Large is a currently a Fellow of the China Africa Research Initiative at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS-CARI), and a Fellow of the Rift Valley Institute. His research interests include the politics of development, security and intervention; China and India’s relations with Africa; African politics and international politics (particularly east and north Africa); and the politics of the global South. At SPP, Dr. Large teaches the core course Introduction to Global Governance and Public Policy and elective courses covering the politics of the global South. He is also the Public Policy Track Representative in CEU’s Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations. [read more]

Christian-Marc Lifländer, head of the NATO Cyber Defence Section. Mr. Christian-Marc Lifländer serves as the senior cyber policy official of NATO’s International Staff. As head of the Cyber Defence Section, he is responsible for leading the development and implementation of cyber defence policy across NATO. Before joining NATO, Mr. Lifländer held executive and senior advisory level positions within the Estonian Ministry of Defence, including Acting Deputy Undersecretary for Defence Policy, Director of Policy Planning, and Adviser to the Minister of Defence. Mr. Lifländer also served as a Defence Counselor at the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in the United States and as a Defence Counselor at the Delegation of the Republic of Estonia to NATO. He received a direct commission in the Estonian Defense Forces (Infantry) and has been awarded the Estonian Defence Forces Distinguished Service Decoration as well as Distinguished Service Decorations of the Estonian Ministry of Defence. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering – the United States Military Academy, West Point. Mr. Lifländer received his Master of Arts in Security Studies in Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies (CSS). [read more]

Professor Robert F. Trager is Co-Director of the Oxford Martin AI Governance Initiative, International Governance Lead at the Centre for the Governance of AI, and Senior Research Fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. He is a recognized expert in the international governance of emerging technologies, diplomatic practice, institutional design, and technology regulation. He regularly advises government and industry leaders on these topics. Dr. Trager has written two books and numerous articles in leading social science journals, including the American Political Science Review, International Organization, International Security, Foreign Affairs and many others. His award-winning research has been covered in popular press outlets like the New York Times, Economist, Financial Times, Washington Post, NPR, Fortune, Foreign Policy, and Foreign Affairs. From 2017-2021, he was the Assistant Director for Research of the Burkle Center for International Relations. He was Associate Editor of one of the international relations field’s leading journals, the International Studies Quarterly, and sat on the boards of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Conflict, the Berkeley Risk and Security Lab, and the Burkle Center. Before moving to the University of Oxford, Dr. Trager was Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles and held faculty positions at Yale University and an Olin Fellowship at Harvard University.  [read more]

Lucas Kello is Associate Professor of International Relations at Oxford University. He serves as Senior Lecturer/Director of the Centre for Technology and Global Affairs, a major research initiative exploring the impact of modern technology on international relations, government, and society. He is also co-Director of the interdisciplinary Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security at the Department of Computer Science. His publications include “Striking Back: the end of peace in cyberspace and how to restore it (Yale University Press 2022); “The Virtual Weapon and International Order (Yale University Press 2017); “The Meaning of the Cyber Revolution: Perils to Theory and Statecraft” in International Security (The MIT Press), and “Security” in The Oxford Companion to International Relations (Oxford University Press); “Private Sector Cyber Weapons: An Adequate Response to the Sovereignty Gap?”, in Herbert Lin and Amy Zegart; “Bytes, Bombs, and Spies: The Strategic Dimensions of Offensive Cyber Operations” (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2019); “Cyber Threats” in Thomas G. Weiss and Sam Daws, eds.; “The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations”, second edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018); “European Cyber Defense”, in Hugo Meijer and Marco Wyss, eds.; “The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces” (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). [read more]

Professor Theodore Trefon is the Vice President of the Academic & Scientific Board of CERIS (since 2016). Professor Theodore Trefon is the Director of the Belgian Reference Centre for Expertise for Central Africa E-CA — CRE-AC) and heads the Contemporary History Section of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium. He teaches at ERAIFT “Ecole Régionale Post-Universitaire d’Aménagement et de Gestion Intégrés des Forêts et Territoires tropicaux” at the University of Kinshasa. His area of expertise covers DR Congo and he focuses on the issues of state-society relations, forest-city links, urban anthropology and environmental governance. He is also a Research Coordinator for the Forest-City Interface dimension of APFT. Among his published books we cite: Goma : Stories of Strength and Sorrow from Eastern Congo, (Zed Books, 2018), Theodore Trefon and Noël Kabuyaya; Congo Masquerade. The Political Culture of Aid inefficiency and Reform Failure, African Arguments (Zed Books, 2011), Theodore Trefon; Reinventing Order in the Congo. How people respond to state failure in Kinshasa, (Zed Books, 2004), Theodore Trefon and Parcours administratifs dans un Etat en faillite: Récits de Lubumbashi (RDC), Les Cahiers de l’Institut Africain/L’Harmattan (with B. Ngoy). [read more]

Liselotte Odgaard is a professor at the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies in Oslo. Her work focuses on US–China–Europe relations, including NATO–China relations; Chinese foreign, security and defense policy; Indo-Pacific security, and the geopolitics of the Arctic region. She is also non-resident senior fellow at Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. Dr Odgaard has been a visiting scholar at institutions such as Harvard University, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the Norwegian Nobel Institute. She is the author of numerous monographs, books, peer-reviewed articles, and research papers on Chinese and Asia-Pacific security, and she is a frequent commentator on these issues in the media. She regularly participates in policy dialogues such as the Arctic Circle Assembly in Iceland and the Xiangshan Forum in Beijing. She received her bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD in political science from Aarhus University in Denmark, as well as a master’s degree in international studies from the University of Warwick in the UK. Recent publications include ‘Russia’s Arctic Designs and NATO’, Survival 64: 4, 2022, pp. 89-104; ‘Home versus abroad: China’s differing sovereignty concepts in the South China Sea and the Arctic’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 2022; ‘NATO’s China Role: Defending Cyber and Outer Space’, The Washington Quarterly 45: 1, 2022, pp. 167-183; “The BRICs and coexistence: an alternative vision of world order”, Routlage (2015).

Adel El Gammal is secretary general of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), professor of Energy Geopolitics at the Free University of Brussels (U.L.B.) and fellow expert at Veblen Institute for Economic Reforms. He is a recognized international expert in the fields of geopolitics of energy, energy policy and clean energy transition, in Europe and in the context on international climate negotiations. Adel regularly speaks and writes in national and international media and is a regularly invited keynote speaker at leading international energy conferences. He authored several reference studies on the Clean Energy Transition and leads EERA advisory activities to the European Commission pertaining to its Climate/Energy strategy and more recently to EU’s response to the energy crisis. Beyond its geopolitical and techno-economic aspects, he focuses on the societal dimension of the energy transition and to the compatibility of our growth model with the planetary boundaries. Adel holds a master’s degree in engineering from Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles (U.L.B), graduated in Business Administration from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (U.L.B.) and INSEAD (France) and later specialized in environment management (U.L.B.) [read more]

Photis Lysandrou is Research Professor at City University Political Economy Research Centre (CITYPERC), Department of International Politics. He has previously taught in Queen Mary College, University of London, University of Greenwich and at London Metropolitan University where he was Lead Professor in Economics. He has published papers in several leading economics and finance journals. His current areas of research interest include the financialisation of the global economy, the structure of the international currency markets and the financial pressures on corporate governance. His current research interests are in the areas of the global finance, shadow banking, corporate governance and the political economy of Europe. His recent journal publications include “The Colonisation of the Future: An Alternative View of Financialisation and its Portents”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, December 2016, and “The Explosive Growth of the US ABCP Market Between 2004 and 2007: A Search for Yield Story” (co-author, Mimoza Shabani), Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, March, 2017. He has published widely on global political economy and on the global financial crisis. His book ‘Commodity: The Global Commodity System in the 21st Century’ was published by Routledge in the autumn of 2018.

Richard E. Baldwin is a professor of international economics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, where he has been researching globalization and trade for the past 30 years. He is also ex-President of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Editor-in-Chief of VoxEU, which he founded in June 2007. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He was twice elected as a Member of the Council of the European Economic Association. He received a master’s degree from LSE in 1981. He completed his PhD at MIT in 1986 under the guidance of Paul Krugman, with whom he has coauthored half a dozen articles. He received honorary doctorates from the Turku School of Economics (Finland), University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). He was Associate Professor (1989–1991) and Assistant Professor (1986–1989) at Columbia University Business School. In 1990–1991 he followed trade matters for the President’s Council of Economic Advisors in the Bush White House. He worked as an Associate Economic Affairs Officer for UNCTAD in the early 1980s. He has also been a visiting research professor at MIT (2003), Oxford (2012-2015), and is still an Associate Member of Nuffield College at Oxford University. [read more]

Thierry Vircoulon is a graduate of the National School of Administration (Ecole Nationale d’administration – ENA), the Institute for Political Studies in Paris and the Sorbonne University in Political Science. For 20 years, his work has focused on conflicts, security and governance issues in Africa. Most of his work is focusing on governance, security sector reform and the linkage between conflicts and natural resources. He has been part of several international groups of thematic experts (UNODC, OECD and UA/EU) and he is the author and co-author of several books on South Africa and Democratic Republic of Congo. He is presently senior consultant for the think tank International Crisis Group, he is coordinating the Observatory for Central and Southern Africa for the Paris based think tank IFRI (French Institute for International Affairs) and he is an expert of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime (South Africa). Thierry Vircoulon has taught a Master’s course on security issues in Sub-Saharan Africa at the Institute for Political Studies (Sciences-Po). He has worked for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission on the African continent, particularly in South Africa, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. [read more]

Admasu Shiferaw is Assistant Professor of Economics and Africana Studies at The College of William and Mary, USA.  Admasu Shiferaw joined the College of William and Mary in the Fall of 2011 as a faculty member of the Economics Department and the Africana Studies program. Before that Admasu has been a research fellow at the Courant Research Center, University of Goettingen, Germany; and a lecturer at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research interests are in development economics, industry dynamics and international competitiveness. His recent research includes firm level analysis of productivity, investment and employment dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa. Admasu enjoys teaching development economics, African economic development, and econometrics. Admasu received his undergraduate degree from Alemaya University, Ethiopia and his M.A and Ph.D in Development Economics from the International Institute of Social Studies-ISS Den Haag of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands. [read more]

Tanguy Struye de Swielande is professor in International relations at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) and at the Royal Military Academy, where he teachs Geopolitics, International Relations Théories and Foreign Policy Analysis. He also coordinates the Baillet Latour Chair “European Union-China”. Since september 2016, he is the Director of the “Centre d’Etude des Crises et des Conflits Internationaux” – CECRI. Professor Tanguy Struye de Swielande is the founder of “Genesys Network for Geopolitical Studies” and he is the co-founder of the “Réseau Multidisciplinaire d’Études Stratégiques” – RMES. He also research fellow at “Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations”. Born in Ghent on October 13, 1973, professor Tanguy Struye de Swielande graduated from specialized studies in political science and international relations at the Catholic University of Louvain. His area of expertise : great power’s relations, geopolitics, geoeconomy, foreign policy analysis, international relations, security and defense policy, new actors in international relations. Professor Tanguy Struye de Swielande is guest lecturer at CERIS-ULB Diplomatic School of Brussels since 2016. [read more]

Professor Ronen Palan (BSc. Econ, LSE, PhD LSE) joined City University London in September 2012. Prior to this he has been a professor of IPE at the University of Birmingham and Sussex University, and a lecturer in International Relations at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He was a founding editor of the Review of International Political Economy (RIPE) and member of the Fellow and Promotion Committee at the Institute of Development Studies, Brighton. Professor’s Palan’s work lies at the intersection between international relations, political economy, political theory, sociology and human geography. He wrote a number of books and numerous articles, book chapters and encyclopaedia entries on the subject of Offshore and Tax havens, state theory and international political economic theory. His work has been translated to Chinese, simple and complex characters, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Azeri and Czech. He is a visiting professor at several Universities including the Central European University-Budapest, Hebrew University-Jerusalem, York University-Toronto, CERIS-ULB Diplomatic  School of Brussels and Centre pour la Recherche Economique et ses applications-CEPREMAP-Paris. [read more]

Richard Sakwa is Professor of Russian and European Politics at the University of Kent at Canterbury, a Senior Research Fellow at the National Research University-Higher School of Economics in Moscow and an Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Political Science at Moscow State University. After graduating in History from the London School of Economics, he took a PhD from the Centre for Russian and East European Studies (CREES) at the University of Birmingham. He held lectureships at the Universities of Essex and California, Santa Cruz, before joining the University of Kent in 1987. He has published widely on Soviet, Russian, post-communist and international affairs. Recent books include Putin Redux: Power and Contradiction in Contemporary Russia (London and New York, Routledge, 2014), Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands (London, I. B. Tauris, 2016), Russia against the Rest: The Post-Cold War Crisis of World Order (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and Russia’s Futures (Cambridge, Polity, 2019). His book The Putin Paradox, was published by I. B. Tauris (Bloomsbury) in 2020 and his Deception: Russiagate and the New Cold War came out with Lexington Books in late 2021. He is currently working on The Lost Peace: How We Failed to Prevent a New Cold War for Yale University Press. [read more]

Professor Neil Robinson is a Senior lecturer in Politics at the University of Limerick, where he is the course Director of the Bachelor in Politics and International Relations. He is a specialist in the fields of Russian and post-communist politics, particularly the political economy of post-communism and post-communist state building. He is the author of Ideology and the collapse of the Soviet system. He is equally the editor or co-editor of Institutions and political change in Russia, (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000), Reforging the weakest link: global political economy and post-Soviet change in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004), (Aidan Hehir) State-building. Theory and practice, (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), and (with Todd Landman), The Sage handbook of comparative politics, (London: Sage, 2009). M. Robinson taught previously at the Universities of York and Essex. He is the author of articles in several journals including Soviet Studies, European Journal of Political Research, Political Studies, The Journal of Communist Studies and Transitional Politics, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Demokratizatsiay, Review of International Political Economy. [read more]

Rico Isaacs is a Professor of International Politics. He joined Lincoln in September 2019 having previously worked at Oxford Brookes University. His research interests lay at the intersection of authoritarianism, nationalism and populism with a specific focus on the post-communist space, especially Central Asia. Specifically, his research concerns three areas: the formal and informal institutional basis of support for authoritarian rule; the construction and contestation of nation-building policies and discourses; and the relationship between populism and ecological crisis. He is the author Political Opposition in Authoritarianism (Palgrave 2022), Film and Identity in Kazakhstan (Bloomsbury 2018) and Party System Formation in Kazakhstan: Between Formal and Informal Politics (Routledge 2011), as well as authoring several edited volumes, an introduction to Politics textbook and numerous journal articles. He is also currently serving as editor of the leading peer-reviewed journal within the field of Central Asian Studies, Central Asian Survey. Rico regularly undertakes consultancy for public and private bodies with regards to politics and contemporary developments in Central Asia. [read more]

Professor Sven Biscop is the Director of the Europe in the World Programme at the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations in Brussels, which he joined in 2002, and a Professor at Ghent University. His research and teaching focus on the strategies of the European Union, NATO, and their Member States. Sven regularly lectures for the EU’s European Security and Defence College (ESDC), as well as in various European and American staff colleges, and at the People’s University of China in Beijing. Sven also is a Senior Associate Fellow of the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy and of the Baltic Defence College. He is a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and of the Clausewitz Society. Sven’s latest book is European Strategy in the 21st Century – New Future for Old Power (Routledge, 2019). Sven Biscop has been honoured with the cross of Officer of the Order of the Crown (Belgium, 2020) and the Grand Decoration of Honour (Austria, 2017). In 2015, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, Sven was made an Honorary Fellow of the ESDC. His latest book is Grand Strategy in 10 Words – A Guide to Great Power Politics in the 21st Century (Bristol University Press, 2021). [read more]

Frédéric Charillon is a university professor of political science and a graduate of Sciences Po Paris. He has taught at the University of Clermont Auvergne (UCA), where he co-directed the International Careers master’s program, and at ESSEC, where he is advisor on defense and diplomacy issues at the “Institut de recherche et d’enseignement sur la négociation” (IRENE). He also teaches at Sciences Po, in several foreign universities “l’Université Euro-méditerranéenne de Fès”, Morocco, where he is a member of the Scientific Council and is coordinator for international issues at ENA. He has been a senior associate member at Saint Antony’s College, Oxford, and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), London. A member of the editorial board of several journals “European Review of International Studies”. His work focuses on the analysis of foreign action (foreign policy and defence). He has had a number of administrative experiences, in embassies, at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. Co-founder of the Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’Ecole Militaire (IRSEM, Ministry of Defense, France), he was its director from 2009 to 2015, after heading the “Centre d’Études en Sciences Sociales de la Défense” (C2SD, Ministry of Defense, France). He was a member of the “Conseil National des 777Universités” from 2011 to 2018 for the political science section.

Dr Stefano Pagliari‘s research concentrates on the field of international political economy, and in particular on the political economy of financial regulation. He has written on a number of issues related to the politics of the international monetary and financial system, such as financial industry lobbying, regulatory capture, EU-US financial diplomacy, and international financial institutions. His work has appeared in a number of peer-reviewed journals including International Organization, Review of International Political Economy, New Political Economy, Journal of European Integration. Before joining City University London in July 2013, Dr Pagliari was a Fellow in International Political Economy in the International Relations Department at the London School of Economics & Political Science – LSE, as well as a Visiting Scholar at Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University. Dr. Stefano Pagliari has authored and edited a number of books, including “Governing the World’s Biggest Market: The Politics of Derivatives Regulation After the 2008 Crisis”, Oxford University Press (2018), “Making Good Financial Regulation. Towards a Policy Response to Regulatory Capture”, London: International Centre for Financial Regulation (2012) and “Global Finance in Crisis. The Politics of International Regulatory Change”, Routledge (2010). [read more]

Mr. Alain De Neve is a researcher specialised in technological development issues in the field of defence within the Centre for Security and Defence Studies (CSDS). He devotes his studies to the following specific domains: technological innovation in the field of defence, armament industry and aerospace sector. In 2001, Alain joins the Centre for Defence Studies (the future CSDS), formerly based in the Sainte Anne area in Laeken. Integrated the same year as a permanent researcher to the Ministry of Defence in the framework of a comparative study on national white papers and Defence doctrines in the context of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, he is later on confirmed in his specialisation and appointed to the study of the challenges related to military innovation and defence technologies. In the Spring of 2003, Alain co-founds the Réseau multidisciplinaire d’études stratégique (RMES) that brings together researchers from different backgrounds working on security issues. This pooling of research efforts has resulted in the production of three books dedicated respectively to the future of air power, the Third Gulf War (Operation Iraqi Freedom) and the new political-strategic balances within NATO. In the framework of his activities within the CSDS, Alain devotes himself fully to issues related to technological innovation, emerging technologies and developments in the European market of defence goods and equipment. [read more]

Dr. Yuval Weber, PhD, is a Subject-Matter Expert on Russian Military and Political Strategy at the Brute Krulak Center for Innovation and Future Warfare at Marine Corps University in Quantico, VA. He also serves Research Assistant Professor at Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government and Public Service in Washington, DC. Dr. Weber served as the Kennan Institute Associate Professor of Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School, as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Government at Harvard University, and as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He is currently working on two projects, one sponsored by the Minerva Research Initiative at the Department of Defense that develops a tool to measure great power influence in international affairs to chart the course and conduct of great power competition, and a second that examines the tension between demands of economic modernization and the security state in Russian political economy. The latter manuscript is scheduled for publication in 2022 by Agenda Publishing and Columbia University Press. [read more]

Her Excellency Ambassador Janet Rogan has recently taken up the position of CEO of the Royal African Society (RAS), based in London, which has a partnership with the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). In March 2021, H.E. Ms. Janet Rogan was appointed as Regional Ambassador for the Middle East and Africa. She is an accomplished UK and UN diplomat with over 35 years of experience in Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans and China. She was the UK’s climate ambassador for Africa and the Middle East, bringing a strong focus on implementation on the ground. She has wide policy, sustainable development, climate and humanitarian credentials and works extensively with governments, private sector and investors, civil society and youth. She joined the FCO (now FCDO) in 1986. She has worked with NATO (as UK Political Adviser) and the United Nations (as a UN Resident Coordinator). She has wide policy, development and humanitarian experience across post-conflict and fragile states, and in bringing the principles of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and the global Climate Change Agreements together for wider strategic goals, including COP26.

Barbara Hogenboom is Associate Professor of Political Science. For her doctoral research Mexico and the NAFTA Environment Debate. The Transnational Politics of Economic Integration she received the award for the Best Dutch Political Science Dissertation of the year 1998. 

She is the coordinator of ENGOV the collaborative research project ‘Environmental Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean: Developing Frameworks for Sustainable and Equitable Natural Resource Use’, funded by the European Commission (FP7). 

She is review editor of the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, member of the editorial board of the Journal of Developing Societies, and member of the editorial board of the CEDLA Latin America Studies (CLAS) book Series published by Berghahn Books. Research interests: Her main fields of interest are contemporary politics and the governance of development, studied the angle of international political economy. Her research is on the political dimensions of Latin America’s development policies and practices; environmental conflicts and governance; effects of economic and political globalization and regionalization; and the role of social movements and corporate actors. [read more]

Dr Luca Tardelli is Assistant Professorial Lecturer in International Relations. His research focuses on international security, military intervention, and US foreign policy. His research draws primarily on both Realism and Political Sociology to study the practice of military intervention, particularly how elite politics and elite relations shape US decisions to intervene in civil wars and revolutions. Luca has taught various undergraduate and postgraduate courses on International Relations, International Security, American Grand Strategy, and the Middle East both at the LSE and at the University of Westminster. From 2013 to 2018, he was the Course Convener and Tutor of the executive MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy at LSE. Prior to joining the Department, Luca worked at the Middle East Division of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, jointly for the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), and at LSE IDEAS. Luca holds a PhD in International Relations from LSE. He graduated in International Relations from the University of Bologna (Forli Campus) and holds a MA in War Studies from King’s College London. [read more]

Professor Amelia Hadfield joined the University of Surrey in January 2019 as Head of the Department of Politics, and Chair in European and International Affairs. Previously she worked as Director of the Centre for European Studies (CEFEUS), a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at Canterbury Christ Church Uni (2013-2018), after positions in Brussels at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels and the Institute for European Studies, where she directed the Euromaster degree, as well as the Educational Development (EDU). Amelia is a long-standing Jean Monnet Chair in European Foreign Affairs, allowing her to successfully obtain Erasmus+ funding for the University of Surrey’s Centre for Britain and Europe (based in the Department of Politics), establishing it in 2020 as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. Amelia’s researching, teaching, consulting & postgrad supervising covers a wide range of areas on EU foreign and security policy, as well as new forms of EU-UK relations. These include Common Foreign and Security Policy, Common Security and Defence Policy, EU-US and EU-Canada relations, EU-Russia relations, EU Neighbourhood Policy, EU Development policy (with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa), as well as Arctic & northern governance issues. [read more]

Economist (ULg, UCL, Harvard), Pierre Defraigne was a European civil servant (1970-2005). He retired as Deputy Director-General in DG Trade in March 2005, after having been Head of Cabinet for Pascal Lamy, European Commissioner for Trade (1999-2002). Previously, he was Director for North-South Relations, and Head of Cabinet for Etienne Davignon, Vice-President of the European Commission (1977-1983). He has set up the Brussels branch of the French Institute for International Relations (Eur-Ifri), which he managed (2005-2008). Pierre Defraigne is currently the Executive Director of the Madariaga – College of Europe Centre since 2008. Pierre Defraigne is a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and at Sciences Po Paris (Paris School of International Affairs). Pierre Defraigne is also Professor of economics at the Institutes for European Studies (Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis and Université Catholique de Louvain) and at the College of Europe, Bruges, and is a Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University, China. Pierre Defraigne regularly publishes on EU-China relations, eurozone governance and macroeconomic issues through the Centre’s Madariaga Papers. He also frequently publishes articles in numerous newspapers and journals and is invited to speak at conferences as well as interviewed by television and radio stations. [read more]

Professor Dr. Howard Nicholas is a Sri Lankan economist and social scientist, Senior Lecturer in Economics at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. His areas of interest are non-neoclassical economics, capacity building for economics related policy and business decision making. He has a wide range of experience and exposure in teaching around the world mainly on Financial Economics. His in depth knowledge and understanding of Global Macro Economic Environment and its impact on the world economy has led to contribute towards the development of the economy. Dr.Howard Nicholas leverage his knowledge in the area of financial markets and he has a tremendous ability on forecasting the financial markets.He mainly involves consultation in the areas of Macroeconomics, Financial Markets, forecasting the financial markets and the financial economics. Dr.Howard contributes all the key functions and the service delivery aspects of EIA. Professor Howard Nicholas publishes also in Development and Change, the revue of the ISS and is a contributor to several national and international journals, his comments concerning mainly the status and future evolutions of the Sri Lankan economy. [read more]

A French and Australian dual citizen, Dr. Guibourg Delamotte is Senior Lecturer (MCF HDR, habilitated to supervise research) of Political science at the Japanese studies department of the French Institute of Oriental Studies (Inalco). She lectured at Sciences Po Paris for 7 years. She teaches International relations, Japanese politics and classes on Contemporary Japan. She is a Research Fellow at the French Research Institute on East Asia (IFRAE, CNRS). She is also a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR) (June 2021-) and an Adjunct Fellow at the Institute for Contemporary Asian Studies (ICAS, Temple University Japan, Tokyo, since 2009). From October 2021 to Septembre 2022, she is a Guest Lecturer at the University of Tokyo, and an Invited Research Fellow of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST, University of Tokyo). She was NIDS Fellow of the National Institute of Defense Studies (NIDS, Tokyo, 2010). She is a member of the Europe-Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN, based in Stockholm School of Economics). Her “Habilitation to supervise research” (HDR, 2016), which she defended at Sciences Po, was on Japanese democracy. Her PhD dissertation (Ecole des Hautes études en sciences sociales), on Japanese defence policy (2007). [read more]

Professor Yoko Kawato obtained a PhD in Political Science at the University of Washington in March 2010. She also holds a Master in the same University of Political Science and a BA in International Relations with honors at Brown University. His area of ​​expertise includes security in Asia, alliance politics and civil-military relations. His doctoral research focused on US military bases and challenges they raise in Japan, South Korea and the Philippines, focusing especially on the normative arguments of the protesters and their impact on vis-à-vis policy bases. She is currently working on a book manuscript on the subject for the collection Studies in Asian Security published by Stanford University Press, with the support of East West Center. She has published book chapters on non-profit organizations in Japan and relations between the state and civil society. [read more]

Mr. Robert Cooper is the author of The Post-Modern State (2002), and implicitly of the doctrine of “new liberal imperialism” that influenced Tony Blair’s thoughts, he is a Senior British diplomat and a former Director-General at the Council of the EU. Mr. Cooper joined the Diplomatic service of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1970. He worked mainly at the British embassies of Bonn and Tokyo before being nominated as Head of the Policy Planning Staff. Afterwards he was promoted to the position of Deputy Secretary for Defence and Overseas Affairs. Before entering the Council of the EU he was the UK’s Special Representative in Afghanistan. Cooper is currently a member of the steering committee in charge of drafting Catherine Ashton’s proposals for the structure of EU’s European External Action Service. In 2004, Cooper was awarded the Orwell Prize for The Breaking of Nations. In November 2005, he was listed among the top 100 in Prospect magazine’s Global Intellectuals Poll. On 14 November 2012, he was listed by EurActiv, the European media network, as the 28th out of 40 “most influential Britons on EU policy”. Cooper was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG) in 2013. [read more]

Rik Coolsaet, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of International Relations at Ghent University (Belgium) and Senior Associate Fellow at the Egmont Institute (Royal Institute for International Relations) in Brussels. He was appointed a member of the original European Commission Expert Group on Violent Radicalisation (established 2006) and the subsequent European Network of Experts on Radicalisation (ENER). Until October 2015, he was chaire of the Ghent Institute for International Studies (GIIS), one of the research groups within the Department of Political Science at Ghent University. From 2002 to 2009, he served as Director of the ‘Security & Global Governance’ Program at the Egmont Institute. Earlier, he has held several high-ranking official positions, such as deputy chief of the Cabinet of the Belgian Minister of Defence (1988–1992) and deputy chief of the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1992–1995). He has been coordinating research on terrorism and radicalisation since 9/11. This has resulted in a number of books, essays and articles. He also published three comprehensive study on the history of Belgian foreign policy. Finally, he has also written extensively on international relations. His areas of expertise are international relations, diplomacy and Belgian foreign policy, and terrorism and radicalisation. [read more]

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